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Installing Nvidia Drivers on Linux

Installing Nvidia Drivers on Linux (Ubuntu)

This video covers around 95% of all cases I have encountered. The other 5% is related to hardware, distro and distro version, configuration files and steps previously done by the end user that were wrong.

1. Properly update your Distro
2. Update the Nvidia Source for the Drivers (Ubuntu Nvidia PPA in this case)
3. Install corresponding Nvidia driver for your card (525 right now for the 4090 which also applies for any cards that are the GTX 1080 and up at least).
4. Tuning & Tweaking the Performance for the Windows Manager, Kernel and more.
5. Advanced settings to handle Nvidia SLI / Multi GPU Support, Multiple Screens.
6. Learning how to read the basics of the Nvidia Settings manager.


How to Install the Nvidia Drivers on Linux. The particular distro here is Ubuntu as an example. Should be very similar on other distros with the exception of…