▶ Get #AnyTrans to Transfer Data to iPhone 13 TransferEverythingToiPhone13:
Out of the blue, Unc0ver Jailbreak has been updated to support iOS 14.5.1, iOS 14.4.2, iOS 14.4.1, and iOS 14.4 after the Fugu14 Untether + Kernel exploit were released today by Linus Henze. Unc0ver can now be used to jailbreak A12+ devices with Cydia and Tweaks fully untethered, which means that you will not need to keep re-signing the unc0ver IPA anymore.
The jailbreak is, however, in two parts and Linus Henze has announced a better installer for it will eventually come, so I’d recommend waiting for a bit because this jailbreak hasn’t been publicly tested yet. The Unc0ver Team did test it internally, but it’s best to wait for a bit.
As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest iOS and #Jailbreak news, updates, and tutorials!
~ GeoSn0w
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