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I phone 8 Performance in 2023|| iOs 16.3|iphone 8 pubg test ||HADI Gamingyt

I phone 8 Performance in 2023|| iOs 16.3|iphone 8 pubg test ||HADI Gamingyt

Today am gonna show uh gameplay and Clutches of Iphone 8 .. Hope uh guys find that this device is best for uh or not… If its help make sure to like share and subscribe my channel..????

Note : Videos are only for entertainment purpose.

Pubg id : 5704786127

Device: Iphone 8
Claw : 4 fingers + always gyro on

#HadiGamingyt #pubgm #pubg #pubgmobile #iphone #iphone8 #gamingvideos #gamingchannel #pubgclutches #livikgameplay #highrank#fmradiogaming #falinstaryt