NOTE: Had some technical difficulties with this one, had to trim some super messed up clips. All is fixed moving forward.
— 3BF Tweaks —
Using most up-to-date 3BF Tweaks for Requiem 5.1.1
Argonian Troll
Argonian / Lord Sign / Mara Blessing
1H, Evasion, Restoration, Alteration, Enchanting, Block
Build will be built around the new Zealot Robes, with a focus on high health regen.
Extra content I’m using:
-More Bandit Camps (Plus Patch)
-Small Tweaks (Plus Patches)
-Minor Arcana
-Extended Encounters (mainly so if I wait/sleep in or near a dungeon I risk the chance of enemies spawning in and punishing me)
-More Unique Enemies (a mod I’m working on that adds more unique enemies to fight (duh), like Ron and Elsi)
-Dead is Dead (will lock me out of my save upon death)