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iOS 15.3 Beta 1 Review | Performance, Battery Life & Issues After A Few Days | TGT

iOS 15.3 Beta 1 has been out for a few weeks now and in this video I am discussing about the new features, overall stability, performance, battery life, bug fixes and more. Also discussing about the new modem firmware update, different network issues, implementation of child safety features and benchmarks using an iPhone XR, iPhone SE 2nd Gen. and an iPad 6th Gen. Also discussing about should you update your iPhone to this version or not. #iOS153 #iOS153Beta1 #iOS153Features #iOS153BetaUpdate #iOS153BetaStability #iOS153Beta1Bugs #iOS153Beta1BatteryLife #iOS153iPhoneXR #iOS153iPhoneSE #iPadOS153Beta1 #iPad6 #iOSUpdate
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