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The BEST 10 NEW Cydia Tweaks For iOS 13 unc0ver / Checkra1n Jailbreak (February 2020)

#LimSanity #unc0ver #iOS13Jailbreak

Today’s video I will be showing you guys another 10 MUST HAVE Cydia Tweaks that I install on my iOS 13 Jailbroken device. These tweaks are highly my favourite tweaks to install every time I Jailbreak my device. These are to be the best 10 tweaks for unc0ver iOS 13 Jailbreak! I will be uploading the BEST and NEW Cydia Tweaks every week!

1. ColorFlow 5 (
2. iCleaner Pro (BigBoss Repo)
3. Complications (
4. Gravitation (
5. SmallSiri (
6. ChargeAnimations (
7. BatteryPercentX (
8. AutoUnlockX (
9. HapticKeys (
10. PowerModule (

▶ Blue Yeti Microphone:
▶ Sony A6000 Camera With 16-55mm Lens:
▶ RedDragon Gaming Keyboard: