I went to bed last night & turned on the YouTube & what did I see? Bruces’ Eclectic world just posted a video with one of the tweaks I show here. I wondered about even posting this video, but…I decided to go ahead and post. There are a couple the tweaks here that may be helpful along your Debian/Xfce4 journeys.
mpv is not installed by default, smplayer front end for mplayer & mpv
sudo apt install mpv *extras if desired mplayer smplayer vlc
If needed determine display mgr
cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager
To edit lightdm:
sudo apt install lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
To modify:
sudo lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
By default, LightDM is configured so that the user should enter login name and password. Login name is considered sensitive information.
It is possible to provide the user with selection of available user accounts. The most recently used login name will be selected in the list. The user still has to enter password to login. This provides useful…