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10 new free jailbreak tweaks for iOS 13.5 (plus an awesome theme)

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10 new free jailbreak tweaks and one paid awesome theme:

00:08 Intro
00:25 ADexa, $0.99,
01:08 AFSocial,
02:25 BasicDockHider,
03:00 CCShazam,
03:43 ccSquare,
04:49 Colorful Switches, BigBoss
05:24 DockBeGone13,
05:55 Evanesco!
07:00 Haptic Buttons,
07:28 Kleidaria,
07:57 NiceBarX (iOS13), free,
10:20 Outro

NiceBarX (iOS13) setup for time:
“radius” : 6,
“bgclolor” : “#CDCDCD”,
“linespace” : 12.021390914916992,
“frame” : “{{21, 9.886199951171875}, {58.027000427246094, 31.989778518676758}}”,
“weekdayenable” : false,
“timefontstyle” : 0,
“bgalpha” : 0,
“localeon” : false,
“alignment” : 1,
“screensize” : “{414, 896}”,
“timecode” : “(text=h:mm…