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10 min Ban Fix for DeadlyTec XTD Pubg 0.17 Superban wave | No worries


We made steps but people having Issues so we made a full video for people to see and understand and follow this will only help with Our Paid File XTD as the new antiban is designed that way.

For others, we don’t know and we don’t recommend this, ask your provider for the same.

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If you getting 10 mins ban then follow the full guide else start with step 5

1. reset network settings and clear safari cache on both devices clean and hack device (one time only)

2. Play 1 or 2 game with your main account in original pubg in middle east server make some kills and die don’t exit the match without kills.

Install original pubg for this step in the same device where hacked pubg install hacked pubg as custom install (one time only)

3. Open Hacked pubg

4. Repair the Game (one time only)

5. Start the new 2 device method using VPN (Every-time when starting to play not every match…