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[4K] ASTRA Knights of Veda Gameplay PC Max Graphics (Free to Play Game)

Free to Play Game (Also available on Mobile Smartphone Android / iOS) *_RTX 4060Ti 16GB | i5-13400*_ Benchmark * Performance Test 60 FPS 4K Ultra Graphics | Steam
Game: *_ASTRA: Knights of Veda*_ PC First Minutes Gameplay
Max FPS: 300
Game on SSD NVMe – Recorded/Streamed with OBS 60FPS (NVenc)
*_(FPS loss when streaming/recording 4K: 15%~22%)*_

*_ASTRA: Knights of Veda is a visually stunning, story-rich, 2D RPG. A dark plague besets the world of Planis, perptrated through a dark ritual performed by the Mad King. You, and the other Knights of Veda, are the only ones who can bring normality back to the world.*_

#ASTRAKnightsOfVeda #PC #FreeToPlay

+ CPU: Intel Core 13th Gen i5-13400 @ 2.5GHz (Turbo 4.6GHz)
++ (Water Cooler Sangue Frio 2 (120mm) – Thermal Paste Arctic Mx-6)
+ GPU: MSI GeForce RTX 4060 Ti Gaming X, 16GB *_[Performance Tuning: On]*_
+ RAM: 32,0GB (2×16) DDR4 – Dual-Channel @ 3200MHz
+ Games SSD NVMe R/W: 3.400 MB/s 3.000 MB/s
+ System: Windows 11 Home
+ Monitor:…