This week we’ve got some summer highlights: the impact of MTE on Android, an iOS vuln and some primitive chaining in a Titan M exploit
Links and summaries of today’s topics are available on our website:
[00:00:00] Introduction
[00:01:17] Spot the Vuln – Easy Regex
[00:03:53] Binary Ninja – 3.1 The Performance Release
[00:11:52] Dogbolt – Decompiler Explorer
[00:15:28] Making Linux Kernel Exploit Cooking Harder
[00:23:31] MTE comes to Android
[00:37:19] ipc_kmsg_get_from_kernel, iOS 15.4 – root cause analysis
[00:44:48] Attacking Titan M with Only One Byte
[01:00:01] CVE-2022-29582 – An io_uring vulnerability
[01:07:47] mast1c0re: Hacking the PS4 / PS5 through the PS2 Emulator
[01:09:32] bd-jb: The first bd-j hack (PS4/PS5)
[01:11:01] [CVE-2022-34918] A crack in the Linux firewall