I’m using a 16:9 monitor with a resolution of 1920×800, which is smaller than the standard 1080p. This setup gives me a boost in FPS (frames per second). While I could get even more FPS at 720p, I aim to create a ‘different’ and ‘unique’ experience in the video. Additionally, I’ve optimized my Windows system by disabling unnecessary background programs and adding virtual RAM, among other tweaks. If you enjoy the content, please give us a thumbs up, SUBSCRIBE for more, and hit the notification bell.
List of games
0:00 Game1
0:50 Game2
1:40 Game3
2:30 Game4
3:20 Game5
4:10 Game6
5:00 Game7
5:50 Game8
6:40 Game9
7:30 Game10
Be my friend follow me everywhere!
I hope one day you all get whatever you wish and have your dream…