Discover 10 Awesome Tips to Make Windows 10 Faster *FREE!*.
In this video, we show you how to make your Windows 10 computer run faster. These are free configurations that can improve the performance of your computer without spending money on hardware upgrades.
⏰Here are the 10 tips that are covered in the video⏰
00:41 #1- Adjust the Performance
01:08 #2- Using Page File Size
02:10 #3- Turn off Auto Update
03:05 #4- Clean Storage
03:49 #5- Clean Disk
04:46 #6- Better Performance with High Power
05:36 #7- Turn off Auto Start Programs
06:30 #8- Reduce RunTime Services
07:05 #9- Reset Windows
08:17 #10- Uninstall Unwanted Software
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